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Floundering Adrift (Detective Linda Galbes) Page 3
Floundering Adrift (Detective Linda Galbes) Read online
Page 3
Drake stretched, then he heaved off the sofa, crossing the room. Instead of reclining, he planted his butt in one of the chairs positioned in front of Hayford's desk. He smiled while offering up his advice.
"Look ole man... I have a little bit of experience when it comes to the ladies."
"Yeah... And as I recall....that's the reason you're sitting here, persuading me to keep you out of hot water."
Drake nodded, then he said...
"Point well taken. But you must admit. I understand women. I've seen your girl from afar...and I think I understand what she wants from you. I know the type. Smart... Driven... Career oriented... She just want’s you to accept that she can create a fulfilling life without your interference."
"Stay out of this Drake." Hayford warned, but his old friend wasn’t heeding the red flags.
"Sure, sure... But just remember. I don’t know your girl personally...but I know the type. And I like what being with her has made you become. She’s good for you and if she’s decided that work comes first...I think on this point she’s clearly in the right. You’ve got to accept that she wants to be a working girl. But on the other hand, I’ve known you longer and for that reason alone, that puts me firmly on your side."
"There aren't any sides Drake. Nobody asked you to take sides."
"Oh, there will be two sides my friend. That is if you continue down this path."
Hayford's eyes grew dark with anger; causing Drake to raise his hands in surrender. Sure, his relationship needed work but he didn't need advice from his friend Drake. The man knew about women, but most of his experience was gained by dealing with the married ones. If Linda needed time to rest, he could respect that. A turned off or silenced phone could be interpreted many ways. Not knowing her reasons would only lead to speculative notions that fuel his loneliness and he could do without that. Truthfully, his main concern was for her health. He wondered if her most recent assignments haunted her, much like the other murder cases colored her night terrors blood red.
His thoughts were bombarded with Linda and how this news would ultimately affect her. Looking across his desk, Hayford said...
“Are you sure this is the best way to handle this situation Drake?”
“Of course it is. I promised her that I’ll handle this. She’s afraid Hayford. I’ve never seen her more shaken.”
Frowning, Hayford’s eyes fell to his phone. Should he try calling her again, or wait for a better time? When he’d talked to Detective Charles Stone, the man had sounded uncertain. At first he didn’t want to tell Hayford that Linda wasn’t there, then he wavered when he said that she might clock in late, or not come in at all.
Drake interrupted his thoughts, when he said...
“Are you sure this isn’t an imposition?”
Again, Hayford waved his hand. This wouldn’t be the first time he’d been asked to cover up someone else’s mess.
“Don’t worry Drake. I’ll handle this. And you can tell...” He hesitated before saying her name. Drake was having an affair and his friend wanted to protect her identity. Hayford respected him for that. Not the affair...just that he cared enough to protect his lady friend and he didn’t want to unnecessarily expose her.
Drake smiled because Hayford’s chivalry always amused him. He said...“Thanks Hayford, and I’ll pass along your assurances.”
Hayford nodded, then waited a beat. He watched as Drake relaxed, making himself comfortable, without a care in the world. Hayford’s friend didn’t hold down a job. He played the market, investing his trust fund wisely. Not counting his family wealth, Drake had become insanely rich. Hayford could have followed the same path as his friend, but he’d been raised with a different set of values. He prided himself on being a good reporter but soon that role would change. His future had been ordained since his birth. He was being groomed to take his rightful place in the Mead empire.
Hayford looked at his computer, considering the story he’d been working on before his friend arrived unannounced. His drifting attention had not gone unnoticed.
Drake clapped his hands, then stood.
“All righty then...” he spoke in a resounding voice. “I’ll let you get too it. I’m off to the club.”
“Take care Drake.”
“You too Hayford. And... Be nice to your lady friend.” His face became serious when he added... “She’s good for you Hayford. She’s better than those socialites you once were so fond of dating.”
With that said, Drake was gone. He’d left Hayford to consider his thought provoking words of wisdom. Words that rippled in his head throughout the day. Linda was good for him, and he knew that better than anyone.
The following morning when Linda emerged from her apartment, she was surprised when she spotted the long black limo parked illegally in front of her building. Hayford emerged, impeccably dressed. Linda narrowed her eyes when she said...
“Hayford... What are you doing here?”
She was wearing a blue Anne Klein suit that she’d snagged at a resale shop. The cut hugged every curve in her body, much like a tailored fit. Usually, she avoided wearing skirts, preferring pants instead. And after buying the designer suit, she still had not found the right occasion to wear it. Even so, the instant Hayford saw her runway attire, Linda began to question the wisdom in choosing the thing. The man was the worse when it came to disguising his longing. His gaze seared her with his appreciative head to toe assessment.
Hayford smiled at her, and in the center of her legs she felt her body's immediate betrayal. Her professional persona was instantly shattered. She cursed under her breath because if he thought her look was sexy, she didn’t want to consider what the men at the precinct would think. And to make matters worse... She didn’t have enough time to run inside to make a quick change. She spoke in a rush.
“You should have called first. I’m in somewhat of a hurry. I’m headed out to pick up my partner. I didn’t work yesterday and I have a lot of catching up to do.”
Without giving her the chance to put space between them; Hayford crossed the sidewalk, meeting her when she lowered off the last step. He was upon her before more words could be shared, then he pulled her close speaking in a heartfelt voice...
“Linda... If I was a suspicious man, I would think that you were purposely avoiding me.”
He came closer still, stabbing her heart with his deep blue bedroom eyes. His voice caressed her, making her regret their time apart.
“Whatever I’ve done wrong.... Whatever I’ve done to upset you. I’m sorry?”
“You didn’t do anything wrong.”
He was upon her, lowering his head, and testing his approach. His lips touched her mouth, delivering a gentle kiss. She pressed her hand against his chest, feeling the thrum of his beating heart. Even the rich feel of his fabric didn’t compare to his closeness. Before leaving her apartment, her brain had been speedily at work. One by one, listing the names of people she intended to talk to today. There was so much to do, and her brain was instructing her to push him away. Yet she didn’t. She couldn’t. Too many emotions swelled inside of her. She needed time to think. Time to speak, to clear the air between them. But when his tongue slipped pass her lips, weakening her defenses; Linda knew that her body would succumb to his wishes. She didn’t even try to resist him. Her arms fell down, laying limp at her side, while Hayford held her firmly in his embrace. He used his mouth to make love to her. And dammit, if he wasn’t good at it.
When he finally broke their kiss; giving them both the opportunity to come up for air. Amazingly, it was Linda who’d found her words first.
She braced herself, saying...
“Hayford... I want you but you can’t do this. You can’t come out of nowhere....showing up at my place, unannounced like this.”
“I wouldn’t have to, if you’d only talk to me when I call."
He pulled her closer still, then he added...
“But you have to admit....” He smiled then said... “Making up is fun to do.�
“I didn’t know that I’d done anything that would require us to make up.”
He didn’t respond. Hayford covered her mouth with his and this time, he didn’t stop, until her arms wrapped firmly around his neck. She lost herself, swimming in her head. Their shared kiss was nothing less than magnificent. She also couldn't stop herself from questioning her reasons for being annoyed that he’d surprised her by coming to her home unannounced. When Hayford finally released her, he held her tight to prevent her from tumbling backwards into the stoop. After a few quick exchanges of air, Linda was beginning to feel the earth beneath her feet. Now, with her head on straight, and her senses on full alert; she scanned the area with her cop eyes. It was early enough and she assumed that most of her neighbors were still in bed or pressing the snooze button for the third time. And for those who weren’t; for them she adopted a middle finger attitude. If they had nothing better to do, than to ogle her; for peeping Tom’s, Linda cared very little and an eyeful is exactly what they deserved.
Linda straightened the lapel on her collar. She peered over Hayford’s shoulder. The limo parked at the curb reminded her of their differences. They were from different worlds. He was from old money. One of the oldest families along the eastern seaboard. And Linda...well, her family wasn’t anything to turn your nose up at. Both of her parents were college graduates. Her mother was an English lit professor and her father was a retired city attorney. Even so, too often Hayford was an interloper; suggesting changes that would make her life easer. As kind as his offers were, Linda had never keenly nurtured them. She closed her eyes, because most times, looking at Hayford was far too difficult. He was too damn handsome and right now she needed to pry space between them. Her workload was more than a mouthful and she couldn’t let the pressure show. To achieve this, Linda needed to get her game face on. Before arriving at the precinct, she had to look the part, even if she didn’t feel it.
“Hayford... Honey... I need to get to work. I can’t be late. Not today. Not while I’m working on these cases.”
“Linda...that’s the reason I tried calling you yesterday. I have information. Something I think you might find interesting.”
Linda raised her hand, extensively cutting him off.
“Hayford... We've been down this path before. I cannot allow you to be one of my outside sources."
"Linda, I don't see what the big deal is. Everyone knows that we're dating. They also know that I write a column for my family's paper. That's old news honey."
Hayford's thumb lovingly stroked the side of her face. Linda didn't pull away but she also didn't purr like a kitten.
"Hayford, we're not talking about dating gossip. You know I no longer care about jealous wagging tongues but I do get worried when people draw the wrong conclusions. Especially as it involves these murders. Commander Bunts has placed a great deal of faith in my abilities and I don’t want him to regret his decision. When he chose me to head the investigation into these murders... I’m sure I don’t have to tell you want that means. This position is a big deal Hayford and I cannot afford to make any mistakes.”
Her face softened as she lowered the gong. He’d come prepared to hand deliver her a prize but she couldn’t accept it.
“Hayford... Honey...if you know something and if you're sure the details in some way will be helpful. You know the drill.”
Without saying it; Linda had been quite clear. But oddly, Hayford had not expected this turn of events.
She looked blankly at him when she said...
“Call it in Hayford. Whatever information you have... Call it in.”
With that said, she stepped to the side, to leave. “I’ll call you when I get a free moment.” She added. Moving swiftly, excusing her way around him, Linda walked in the direction of her car. Hayford could have stopped her but he stood amazed at how easily she dismissed the sensations they’d just shared. He knew what that kiss had meant to her. He’d felt it in her trembling body. He could see what leaving him had done to her.
Hayford watched as she pulled away, then headed in a direction that would take her to her job. He let her go. That’s what he said to himself. He’d allowed her to leave. There would be other opportunities. Other ways to express why he cared and worried about her. But for now, he had a call to make to the precinct. He needed to relay all that Blake had shared in his office. Hayford had hoped to tell Linda the news face to face, now he had to quickly contrive another plan. When he called in his tip, he would remain anonymous but he was certain Linda would soon figure it all out. And when she did... He would be waiting. Because when she did bother to call him, Hayford was quite sure that the call wouldn’t be one of an official nature. She would want their talk to remain off the record, to preserve the pretense that shrouded their romantic relationship.
Linda’s desk was cluttered with an assortment of notes and data storage devices. The youngest of the detectives; they used cloud storage to organize and distribute their case files. Since the department didn’t have one system, each detective used the one that worked best for them. Hence, her workstation looked like a motley crew of this and that; but the ragtag of assortments contained delicate details. Keys to solving a crime or information concerning her most current murder cases.
The phone on her desk rang, causing Linda to peer at the extension. She felt a nervous flutter, because the caller was her boss, the head of the violent crime and homicide division.
She pressed the button, saying...
“Detective Linda Gables...” Leaving the sentence professionally hanging.
The new commander was a man she truly respected. He chimed in, barking out her name in a voice she’d come to like.
“Detective Gables... Chief Bunts here. I read through your most recent report.”
She waited for him to continue and when he didn’t she said...
“Sir... We’re still making our way through a list of people known to live in the areas. It’s a slow process.”
“I’ve investigated murders lieutenant. You don’t need to remind me about the questioning process.”
Bunts was an even tempered man but after nearly a week of parading people in and out of the building. Knocking on doors and talking too doormen. After countless man hours, Linda and Charles had nada. In every case; no one saw anything, or heard anything. And if that wasn’t their story; the detectives were treated to an assortment of alibis. Out of town on business. On an island receiving a round of beauty treatments. One guy even said that he was sleeping off a bender in Idaho and the concierge could confirm this, because he’d thrown up on the guy three times. In short, each story confirmed the same thing. The people questioned didn’t hear or see the murders or they weren’t in town while Emma and Mia were being murdered. That’s pretty much what Linda’s report stated. They’d talked to practically every person that lived in the area near the murders but they didn’t have anything to show for it.
Linda said... “Sir... The way these women were killed... Someone had to hear or see something. We’re reviewing our list of possible witnesses. We just need a little more time.”
“Time for what Gables? Time for someone to walk in off the streets and suddenly confess?”
He was being sarcastic and with Bunts, that was never a good sign.
“No sir. That isn’t what I mean. I’m beginning to look at these murders from another angle.”
“And what angle is that detective?”
“Sir... So far, we do have at least one person who is known to have been in the area shortly after the first murder was committed.”
Linda had begun thinking that her two murder cases were somehow connected. Her theory proposed that the crimes had been committed by one sole killer. But this was only a theory and Bunts quickly reminded her of this.
“I don’t recall the medical examiner reporting that each victims wounds have similar characteristics.”
“No, sir. You’re right. But...the doctor onl
y issued his preliminary report. And even that wouldn’t change what I’m saying. I think that we’re dealing with the same person. One killer, sir.”
Bunts was quiet for a beat, then he said...
“I respect the way you probe and analyze uncertainties but for now, I’d appreciate it if you’d focus on what we really know about these two cases. But... I didn’t really call you to discuss your brainstorming process.”
“Is there a problem sir...?”
She had not heard any looming rumors, talking about what an awful job she’d been doing. In fact, people in the precinct had been praising the way she’d questioned each potential witness. Bunts said...
“I called Gables because I wanted to get your take on the most recent tip phoned in on the cities hotline.”
Linda frowned, because she hadn’t heard any such news.
“I’m sorry sir... But what tip are you referring too? In my briefing, I didn’t hear anything about a new phone tip. I’ll call and request a copy?”
Bunts said into the phone...
“That won’t be necessary Gables. I’ve already forwarded a copy to your email account.” The commander was silent, then he cleared his throat, and began speaking, using murky phrases.
“This is a big city Gables. And I’m sure this goes without saying... In this department, we don’t play favorites, lieutenant. Even though these victims come from well to do families... The Strauss’ and Price-Cortland’s... The new’s papers and TV news has given their family’s a place to vent their grief as well as their grievances. And due to their prominence in this community, their status has placed this department under a microscope... Everything we do or say is fair-game for the media to use as they please. But I don’t want you to concern yourself with any of that. You do your job and don’t allow the media’s interference to affect any of your decisions. You let me handle them... As for you and your partner... You talk to whomever you think is important. I don’t care who they are or where they live. I’ve got your back on this one. We don’t play favorites. Not in my department and not on my watch."