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Marriage by Proxy
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Sasha Combs
This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.
All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
To my loving husband; you are my inspiration.
Chapter One
Wedding Blues
Carolyn and Alexandra sat in the second row of pews on the bride’s side eagerly watching as Estelle and Brian stood before the minister in the quaint Wedding Chapel exchanging their marriage vows. Estelle and Brian’s union was the third wedding this year for Carolyn, and she was fast approaching self pity and loathing for her own bachelorette status. Estelle had worked as Carolyn’s paralegal for over seven years; blond, medium height, slightly over weight, forty years of age, never married and no children. Estelle desperately wanted to get married and she reasoned that desperate times called for desperate measures. She enlisted the aid of a Match Maker.
Alexandra Ivan was a marriage broker, for lack of a better term; but on many occasions she’d corrected Carolyn and reminded her that her business cards read “Relationship Adviser”. Alexandra had been matching men and women for over twenty years. Her successes were undeniable and she was more than happy to find the perfect husband for Estelle. Alexandra’s services didn’t come cheap and on Estelle’s meager salary the undertaking could be viewed as a risky venture. Carolyn had a measure of trepidation when Estelle hired Alexandra but despite the danger Carolyn could hardly blame her. The notion of never marrying or never baring a child terrified Estelle and if the services of Alexandra provided a remedy for her fears it would be well worth the money.
Carolyn watched as her friend and employee repeated her wedding vows as instructed by the minister to a man that she’d only met less than a week ago. Brian was a tall 38 year old man with a slender build. He had brown hair, brown eyes and facial features that weren’t displeasing to the eyes. He owned a construction company in White Haven and his home was in Waterford. The whole ceremony seemed like a farce to Carolyn, but she had to admit; all of Alexandra’s matches seemed to flourish and resist decay. Alexandra boasted this to her time and time again. She would say in her rich Russian accent making matches is my passion. It is my special ability. I know how to put the right man with the right woman; it is my gift. Carolyn’s mind began to drift as she recalled the countless conversations between her and Alexandra. Alexandra had proposed offering her services to her bachelorette friend on several occasions and with each offer Carolyn would express her opposing views regarding match making. Carolyn was tired of being single but she knew that life could express itself through many surprises. She had no doubts that one day she would marry; but her hopes were that her marriage would be one of chance and not circumstance.
As the meager crowd began to clap Carolyn was drawn back to reality. The minister was presenting the new couple as man and wife. Carolyn stood and clapped with everyone else as she looked upon her married friend with envious eyes; she thought to herself I’ve never seen Estelle look happier.
After the impromptu afternoon marriage ceremony, Carolyn had intended on going back to her law firm but Alexandra coxed her into going to a nearby café that was a favorite of hers.
“Darling when are you going to let me match you with your Mr. Right?”
“Hmm, let me see?” Carolyn looked up towards the ceiling as if she were truly searching the inner crevasses of her mind; but Alexandra had seen her do this on many occasions. “I think the answer is never.”
“Darling I saw the longing in your eyes today; you want what Estelle got today.”
“I don’t think so.” Carolyn took a sip of her tea as her eyes surveyed the room. It was not unusual for her to study her environment and examine her surroundings. She would look at the tables to see how many couples were sitting together, or how many single women ate alone. Finally she’d direct her attention to the single men; paying close attention to the third finger on their left hand.
“Carolyn, you have been single for how long?”
Carolyn was tired of this conversation. She knew exactly where Alex was going with her rehearsed rhetoric but if she didn’t entertain her questions, Alexandra would go full steam ahead and assume her “Relationship Advisor” role.
“Look Alex, I know how old I am, I don’t need you or anyone else reminding me. I also know that I’ve never been married, and I don’t have any current prospect but…” Carolyn looked her friend in the eyes as she finished her statement. “I also don’t feel that I need to pay someone to find me a husband. Things have not gotten that desperate yet.”
“Haven’t they? Wasn’t your last date over a year ago and didn’t you find out that he was a married man?” Carolyn didn’t need Alex to remind her of that unintentional indiscretion. She was a divorce attorney. Carolyn had a keen respect for the bonds of matrimony and she had sworn to herself, unlike many of her friends, that she would never date a married man. But, Calvin was an honest mistake. Carolyn saw no outward signs to indicate that he was married. On their second date Calvin took her to the ballet. During the intermission they went down to the lobby for refreshments. As they stood engaged in a pleasant conversation, a woman came from behind and verbally began to attack them both. She was Calvin’s sister-in-law and she was determined to make her feelings known. The woman made a horrible scene and Carolyn ended up taking a cab home; humiliated beyond belief. Carolyn frowned as she recalled those events and Alexandra surmised that even though the incident happened over a year ago, it was still a painful memory.
“Carolyn, I know that you want to be married, and you are an intelligent, beautiful woman; you should be married. I have helped so many men and women find happiness. I am very good at what I do.” Alexandra reached across the table to take hold of her friends’ hand.
“Carolyn those people were strangers to me, yet for a meager price, I gave them the one thing that evaded them most…love. You are not a stranger to me, and I do love you and I want to give you that very same thing.” The two women sat silent for a moment as each contemplated the others words and pondered their own thoughts.
“Alex I know you mean well, but I just can’t get over the idea of paying someone to find a friend for me.”
“Darling I don’t find friends, I find mates…husbands…wives.”
Carolyn smiled at her friend but she wasn’t quite ready to relinquish the unpredictable elements that life had to offer by accepting her services. “I’ll have to pass Alex. I really believe that true love will find me, and I won’t have to pay for it.”
“Do you think I would charge you? Is that the reason you won’t let me find your husband?” Alexandra’s forehead was creased with a deep frown. Pushing her cup of tea across the table, she leaned back in her chair and peered at Carolyn through narrow eyes.
“No Alex, that isn’t the reason. Besides if I did ask for your help I’d expect you to charge me. Match making is your bread and butter.”
“You insult me Carolyn.” She could see that her words had upset her friend.
“Alex I didn’t mean to upset you, but I know you can’t live off of charity. When people accept your services you should get paid.”
“Carolyn you have helped me in more ways than I could ever count. You are like a daughter to me. I would find you the best husband because I love you; and I would never charge you. I want
to see you happy.” Carolyn felt horrible because she had hurt Alexandra’s feelings and this was not her intention. Alexandra was not just a client; she was a friend. As Alex sat pouting in her chair Carolyn knew she had to restore her friends’ jovial personality to its original state. So, she began to postulate a plan that would heal the rift that had arisen between them. Reaching across the table, she placed her hand on top of Alexandra’s hand.
“Alex, I’m sorry if I said anything that may have been misconstrued. You know that I would never say or do anything that would intentionally hurt you.” Carolyn’s genuine apology seemed to tug at her friend’s heart and she lifted her head to make eye contact. With a half smile on her face Carolyn continued.
“Alex, this whole conversation is a mute point. I’m not asking you to find me a husband so it really doesn’t matter if I’d pay you or if you wouldn’t charge me. I know you’re good at what you do but I really want to do this on my own. Now can we just get pass this and enjoy our lunch?” Alexandra looked away with a nonchalant expression on her face and in an indifferent and uninterested tone she said
“Suit yourself.” They passed the remainder of their time together in silence with the occasional meaningless comment or observation.
After leaving the café, Carolyn returned to her office. She had given Estelle the remainder of the week off. Alexandra’s client’s were usually plunged into marriages whilst having absolutely no courtship and Carolyn wanted Estelle to have a little time to acquaint herself with her new husband and perhaps carve out some time for a honeymoon. As she recounted the events of that day, Carolyn still found it difficult to accept the fact that her employee had actually hired Alex.
Alexandra was a romantic and she believed that every person deserved to be loved even if it took a little help. However Carolyn was not so easily convinced and Alex knew this. Over the years Alexandra had never invited Carolyn to any events that dealt with her clients. As her attorney, Carolyn was well aware of the service contracts and marriage agreements because she would draw up the binding documents but this was impersonal and the clients became anonymous drones. Alexandra had hoped that the sheer number of contracts would serve as tangible evidence to substantiate her match making skills. But this tactic was not producing the results that she had wished-for. Carolyn’s knowledge of the agreements and her attendance at a wedding would more than likely put faces to the names and viewing the happy couples would show evidence of marital bliss. Switching gears, Alexandra had coerced Carolyn to go to two other weddings that year which had been planned by her clients. Alexandra had hoped that it would convince Carolyn to let Alex find her a mate. Carolyn admitted that the couples looked happy but she just couldn’t bring herself to confess that her situation required the services of a marriage broker. Not to mention the fact that Alex had some really strict and unorthodox stipulations for her clients. The most outrageous stipulation was that once she had determined a match, the male and female could not meet or communicate until the day of their marriage. The second and trickiest was her 365 day rule. Carolyn remembered how she and Alex carefully worded the document to protect all parties involved. Since many of her clients were from other countries, this clause was added to avoid any legal entanglements with Immigration Laws. Once the man and women enter into their marriage contract they must cohabitate for 365 days in the same dwelling. This clause was to ensure that the couple truly made an effort to make the marriage work. It was also a measure to prevent quickie divorces. To date, none of Alexandra’s client were separated or divorced.
Due to Alexandra’s stipulations, Estelle had actually married her husband Brian the first day that they met; four days prior to the ceremony that they had performed earlier that day. But Estelle wanted to gather her few friends to see them get married; so Brian agreed to have a formal ceremony for Estelle. She remembered trying to talk Estelle out of marrying a man that she’d never met, but Estelle was hell bent on getting married and wild horses wouldn’t have been able to prevent it.
Carolyn looked at the files on her desk and let out a chuckle. She had four pending divorces, six divisions of property, and twelve legal separations. Not to mention the appointments for new clients desiring to file for a divorce. Even though she had seen and heard practically every sob story for a marriage ending; she still desired to partake of the wonderful nectar better known as marriage.
Later that evening Carolyn sat in her Birmingham Condo eating popcorn as she channel surfed and settled on a movie that she had watched over ten times. This had become her life. The big fluffy slippers, oversized terry cloth bath robe and flannel pajamas. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d bought herself something new or sexy. She couldn’t remember when she’d tried to go out and meet new people, or more importantly try to meet a man. Carolyn had fallen into a rut and she didn’t know how she was going to get out of it. She knew that she could attract a man; it’s just that she seemed to attract the wrong men. Carolyn was a beautiful black woman with a light caramel complexion, 5’5’’ and 115 pounds. She had worked hard over the years to maintain a toned muscular body and her lean shapely frame showed proof of this. Her facial features were soft and feminine, with her square jaw line, arched eyebrows and light hazel eyes. She normally wore her auburn naturally curly hair up in a bun but as she lay lounging on her couch, the curly locks of hair freely cascaded down her back and over her shoulders.
Carolyn began to lose interest in the movie as her thoughts wandered and she began to review her life. She had graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard Law School at the age of twenty- five. She chose not to date in college but she never regretted this because it allowed her the opportunity to focus on her education. But the following years where filled with regret. Carolyn had many opportunities to date while working at a law firm in New York but her desire to prove her worth and dedication to the firm seemed to take precedence. Then there was the marriage proposal. Kyle was a high school math teacher in the Bronx school district. They had met in a little bookstore in Harlem. After five months of dating and working through the kinks in their relationship, Kyle asked Carolyn to marry him. But at twenty nine years of age Carolyn was ready to branch off and put out her own shingle; she still had a lot to accomplish at the law firm and she felt that the timing wasn’t right. Her refusal to marry seemed to deject Kylie’s confidence and he broke off the relationship. After that it was down hill; wanna be musicians, dancers, actors, interns and none a potential mate.
Now at the tender age of thirty-seven all she had was broken promises, heart ache and pain. Carolyn knew that Alex was right; she did have a deep longing in her life and she was jealous of the happiness that Estelle seemed to have found. She wanted that joy. No, she had a deep longing for the same joy. But could she play by Alexandra’s rules? Carolyn continued to gaze at the TV as her mind continued to wander. She thought that perhaps she could get Alex to help her find some nice men to date, and then they could just let nature take its course. She knew this would be a tricky proposition because Alexandra was very strict when it came to her match making rules; but today Alex had expressed a deep desire to see Carolyn happy and she believed that that bit of knowledge could serve as her ace in the hole. Carolyn had a plan, and she was determined to use her match making friend to help her put her love life back on track.
Chapter Two
Carolyn was mentally drained; her last appointment of the day dealt with the division of property between two very famous writers, Peter Thorn and Rachel Horn. Their marital woes and stormy divorce had made front page headlines on practically every tabloid magazine and television show; so it was no surprise to either lawyer, when the clients literally physically attacked each other across the long conference room table. Most of her clients were high profile; so Carolyn had become use to the emotional battles that usually accompanied the decision to file for a divorce. But today’s battle seemed to have a profound affect on her. Over the weekend Carolyn had battled with the decision to
enlist Alexandra’s help to spice up her love life. She seemed to have an endless supply of professional potential bachelors; and Carolyn couldn’t deny her claims of success with each and every one of her matches. So Carolyn bit the bullet and called her friend. All day she replayed the conversation in her head. “Alex, I’ll be the first to admit that you were right about me; I was a little jealous of Estelle. My love life is dryer than the Mojave Desert and I do need to spice things up.”
“Darling, I knew it. I could see it in your eyes. Are you ready to put your Alex to work?”
“Yes, but Alex I have a few terms.”
“Darling you know I don’t work that way. My clients all have success stories because they trust me to do things my way.”
“Yes I know; you forget that I draw up your marriage contracts.”
“I haven’t forgotten; but you seem to keep forgetting that all of those contracts are couples; and they are still married couples to date. Tell me Carolyn, how many contracts have been made out for me?” Carolyn was silent because she had drawn up so many, she’d lost count.
“Your silence means that I’ve made my point. Now, if you are ready to do things my way, I will get your husband for you; and I promise that you will never regret this decision Carolyn.” Alexandra was convincing but Carolyn was not ready to be a pawn; not yet.
“Alex I’ll tell you what; you can get to work finding me some Mr. Rights’ and I’ll make the final choice.”
Alexandra laughed. “Are you saying that I can go to work for you? Are you ready for Alex to find your Mr. Right?”